Our Editorial Policy
At Feeda2z.com, our editorial team strives to make every piece of content we publish unbiased, honest, authentic, inclusive,non AI Generated,non abusive, non bullying and fair. We make sure that our readers get the best quality information that’s well-researched, evidence-based, and entertaining as well.
Our Content Principles
The editorial team works towards bringing our readers closer to the answers to what they’re looking for. Be it Movies,Music, Devotional,Home & Decor, Vastu , Health, wellness, fashion, entertainment, or lifestyle, we have something for everyone no matter what you enjoy reading and in the most informative and comprehensible way possible.
Fair & Reliable
We make sure that the information imparted to our readers is fair & reliable by making sure our content is: Written by subject-matter experts Reviewed by professionals and Evidence-based and scientifically-accurate
Unbiased & Inclusive
Our content caters to a wide group of audience and we try to ensure that we approach our readers with sensitivity and understanding regardless of their gender, age, region, religion, sexual orientation, and physical or mental abilities. We make sure that we don’t pick sides when it comes to facts and let our reviews or articles get affected due to any kind of bias. -
Non AI Generated blogs
Our articles are well written by editors and not generated by AI . Furthermore we would also like to mention that any video generated through the article may be a AI generated video .
Non Abusive / Non Intentional Sensationalisation through Blogs / Articles
We do maintain the ethics of using proper language in our articles as well as we also make sure that we do not use the strategy of sensationalizing a topic through our blogs without concrete information about the subject matter. We do not use our platform as a force to trouble any celebrity or defame anybody intentionally.
Content Sources & Fact-checking
Our writers and editors are certified subject-matter experts and they are selected to join the team only after a thorough screening process. The members of our Editorial team also go through months of training so that they’re perfectionists when it comes to delivering authoritative and trustworthy content.
When it comes to product recommendations, we work on bringing you original and authentic opinions from real people who have tried and tested products and want to share their experiences. These could be users, stylists, fitness trainers, or any other professional who is associated with the product category.
In addition, if you read an article on Feeda2z.com about a health condition, know that the content was reviewed by a doctor or a certified health expert before it reached you. We make sure that our content is also backed by Science and we duly cite published research papers from critically-acclaimed journals and online platforms, so that you can click on them and check out where our facts come from. References of the journals are mentioned in the article at the end of the page .
Timely Updates & Corrections
We understand that it’s important for our content to evolve just the way our world and trends do. Hence, the editorial team and Feeda2z.com ensures that we update our content on a regular basis to avoid having outdated information reaching our readers. We also make sure that our content is accurate and devoid of any kind of errors.
Editorial Ethics
Like every other publication, Feeda2z.com also collaborates with brands to support our business. These collaborations help us get you the latest news on product launches and trends so that you hear it first! However, we do not recommend any products or services that we believe are not worth your time, money, or effort.
While we make every effort to get you the best of the information, trends and products, the process is incomplete without your feedback. We believe that our readers play a key role in our growth and hence would love to hear from you what you think of our content. Please reach us at blogsonclick@gmail.com